1 in 3 Americans have their first job experience in restaurants and 6 in 10 adults have worked in restaurants at some point. Unfortunately, not all these jobs end well.

Today, restaurant brands can not afford to have the added challenge of dealing with employee turnover that can be prevented. 

1Huddle is the only competitive gaming platform that onboards new hires faster, upskills better, and fires up employees across the restaurant industry. Here are the 7 best practices that we see employed by leading restaurant brands across the globe.

1. Better Hiring process

This may seem obvious, but too often restaurants do not put the right people, time, and money behind the process of recruiting, interviewing, evaluating, and selecting.

2. Onboard Faster

43% of new employees that turnover did it within their first 90 days. Now there may be a variety of reasons why, but one thing is for sure; having a strong, efficient onboarding program will put new hires in a better position to be successful and position a brand to onboard any new future hires.

3. Make Training 52-Weeks a Year

The future of work is here. The jobs that make up the majority of work in the restaurant industry are going to continue to change rapidly. This means that you must have a continuous training and development model built into your culture to make sure you are rapidly upskilling and reskilling workers into new roles. This should be public for every worker.

4. Develop Every Worker

No role should be treated less equally. You are a team. A major challenge with restaurants today is that training, coaching, and mentorship opportunities are reserved for a few key roles and limited to others. Make sure that 100% of your training, coaching, and learning opportunities are available to every worker regardless of role or ethnicity.

5. Pay a Living Wage

If you think raising wages is costly, compare that to what turnover will cost you! Employee turnover can hit you hard (more recruiting costs, more interview costs, more new hire onboarding costs), so it’s better for your brand to be proactive in raising wages to better compete and take care of your people.

6. Know Your Employees ‘Why’

Get to know your people! The manager in any organization plays an important role and can make the most significant impact on a worker’s desire to stay connected and work hard. Restaurant leadership should impress upon their front-line managers that they should focus on connecting with workers beyond just punch-in and punch-out.

7. Go Beyond Work

Workers don’t quit jobs. They quit bad managers. Today, leading restaurant brands create a culture where great managers don’t just give direction, but they go farther by coaching and developing each person on their team. If you think work stops when an employee clocks out and have little interest in learning about their world off the clock, you will successfully create a culture with a revolving door that will cost you in missed sales, negative customer service scores and high employee turnover.

We are proud to work with so many leading restaurant brands across the globe. The work we all do will create a more powerful, more equitable, more connected and more fired up workforce.

If you want to learn more about how 1Huddle can help power your workforce (and reduce employee turnover). Try out our game-based platform here.